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Reporting made easy

Track Performance with Actionable Insights

ahoy!’s advanced reporting makes monitoring email performance easy. Stay up-to-date with which subscribers open and click, what got their attention, and when they were most engaged.

...but if there’s a specific analysis you want, it’s yours. Learn all about your subscribers, from Predicted Gender to device types they commonly use.


Know Exactly Where Your Revenue Comes From

As an ecommerce shop owner, you know attributing revenue is tough but important for marketing decisions. ahoy!’s revenue reporting allows you to see how much revenue each campaign earns for your business, and which products are selling (or not) based on your email content. ahoy! makes recommendations based on subscriber engagement, sales trends and website activity.


Get Granular...Only If You Want to

Sometimes, reporting can be overwhelming. Each ahoy! report contains an Overview with the need-to-know information, but if there’s a specific analysis you want, it’s yours. Learn about your subscribers as they join and become a part of your newsletter family.