A question that we get frequently is, “How can I get more email subscribers?” Earlier this year, we shared 6 easy ways to get more subscribers, which highlighted strategies for growing your database. Today, we’ll circle back to some of those strategies with a focus on how to execute them successfully on social media.

Run a contest

Plain and simple, people love free stuff. So, a great way to gain new subscribers is to run a contest in which you collect email addresses for each entry, and promote it through targeted Facebook and Instagram ads. It also can’t hurt to tweet a link to the contest as well; just be sure to use hashtags that will get you noticed.

Promote a coupon or discount

Yes, we know that everyone hates discounting, but offering something small, like 15% off a new customer’s first order, is common in the world of ecommerce because it actually works. Run a Facebook and Instagram ad that sends people to a landing page where you can collect their email addresses in exchange for the coupon code.

Incentivize your followers

The two strategies above are focused on attracting new customers; however, business owners often forget that just because someone follows you on Facebook or Twitter, it doesn’t mean that he or she is actually a customer or email subscriber. When running a contest or promoting a discount, make sure you also promote it to your existing followers in an effort to capture those who aren’t already subscribers.

Share great content

This strategy is certainly less sales-y, but it can be equally as effective if executed properly. We all know that the primary reason people flock to social media is not to be sold something; instead, consumers are looking for funny, exciting, informative, and other relevant content. Write a captivating, relevant blog post, promote it on social, and offer a newsletter sign-up form in your blog. If you produce great content, people will want more.

Include Links to Your Email Form on Social

When it comes to CTAs on your social pages, there are a few limited options at your disposal. On Facebook, for example, be sure to add a call-to-action on your page which will encourage customers to “Sign Up” to your mailing list. If the CTA on your page is already in use to direct customers to call your business or shop on the website, try adding a custom tab.

Speaking of Facebook and Instagram Advertising…

Facebook’s algorithm updates for delivering your content makes it increasingly difficult to get in front of your current audience organically, let alone reach those who’ve never heard of you. Advertising on these social platforms is one of several ways to get around that. Begin with a modest ad spend, whatever that means for the size of your business and marketing budget, and measure your success by monitoring both Facebook/Instagram’s metrics as well as those made available through your website platform or Google Analytics. Also, keep an eye on your subscriber acquisition rate to determine if it’s worth your time and money to continue advertising.

Ultimately, if you want to gain new subscribers, you have to make it worth their while to give you their email addresses. Like all digital marketing, gaining subscribers is about delivering the right messages to the right people; you won’t capture everyone, but if executed properly, a social campaign to grow your subscriber base should help increase your audience.

Still not sure where to start? Get in touch!